我想在CUAA完成我的学士学位. 这还可能吗?

CUAA programming and campus life will look similar during the 2024-25 academic year. 明年之后, while several of the existing undergraduate programs will continue to be offered on the Ann Arbor campus, 其他项目将停止或进行项目变更. Concordia has the commitment to enable you to finish the degree you started at Ann Arbor.

What happens if my major is discontinued or undergoes changes that impact me?

CUAA is committed to ensuring that all current students can graduate with the major they are signed up for. Academic advisors are ready to provide students with individualized plans.


在2024-25学年, the course modality for which students registered should generally stay intact. 学生 with related questions will be able to confer with their academic advisor. 许多大学为本科生提供各种面对面的课程, 同步在线, 异步在线课程. 学生 often appreciate the variety and the flexibility the mix provides to their schedule. 然而, the students need to consider what they want from their academic experience and what format suits them best. 学生 who wish to consider a fully online course of study could also be eligible for significant tuition savings as an accelerated undergraduate online student.

这对十大正规赌博平台大全意味着什么? 我还能和我的室友住在宿舍吗?

我校宿舍和学生生活将延续至2024-25年, 就像过去几年一样. 在2025-26学年及以后, campus life will likely look and feel different than today. What will not change is the presence of Lutheran higher education in Michigan and the commitment to educational excellence and individual student growth and development on which 安娜堡康考迪亚大学 was founded.


We analyzed all programs based on academic quality, enrollment, and financial resources required. We also considered the percentage of student athletes given the plan to discontinue intercollegiate athletics.


Your financial aid packages will remain the same if you remain enrolled as a traditional, 我校全日制本科生. For any student who chooses to transition to CUW, institutional aid will be matched. 援助 may change if there is a change to housing status or GPA, which is university policy. If you transfer to another institution, your financial aid package is subject to change.


You can reach out directly to your faculty advisor via email or connect with your professional academic advisor. 请记住 专业学术顾问 会在整个过程中为许多学生服务吗. 感谢十大正规赌博平台大全排行耐心.


CUWAA has a long history of offering strong academic programs in a variety of delivery methods and we fully intend to continue that legacy.

我是一名国际学生,参加了其中一个项目. 这些决定如何影响我?

International students required to maintain enrollment in a face-to-face program to satisfy K1 Visa requirements are encouraged to connect with their academic advisor to determine the best option for degree completion. 学生也可以 联系国际办公室 有具体的学术资格问题.

什么是教出来的? 离校和转学有什么区别?

Teach out partner institutions are those that have agreed to allow CUAA students to complete their programs through a formal agreement. 这些协议包括以下好处:

  1. Automatic admission of current CUAA students in good academic standing.
  2. 保证在CUAA 100%成功修完学分. CUAA students can complete their degree in the same amount of time – students will need to complete the same number of semesters at the teach out institutions as they would have at CUAA.
  3. The net tuition amount the student is expected to contribute to complete their degree will be the same as they would have had to pay at CUAA. While the scholarships may be packaged differently and with different names, 净成本是一样的. CUAA的学生不需要协商这个过程.
  4. Additional information regarding teach out institutions will be shared on the CUAA website by program.

许多学校接受转学生的申请, but the process may not be as seamless or have the same guarantees as transitioning to the partnering teach out institutions. 因此, it is often in the best interest of the student to transition to a designated teach out institution.

在这里了解更多关于teach out选项的信息.


学生贷款不会在学校之间转移, 如果你转学了,你还是有义务还钱的. 联邦学生贷款, 比如直接补贴贷款或无补贴贷款, usually go into repayment status when you leave school or drop below half-time enrollment. Your Direct Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loans will have a six-month grace period before you are required to start making regular payments. 然而, you may be able to avoid making payments while enrolled at your new school by getting an in-school deferment if you qualify.

Will any co-curricular options be available for the 2024-25 academic year? 2024-25学年之后呢?

Co-curricular options will remain for the upcoming 2024-25 academic year. 在2025-26学年及以后, campus life and co-curricular options will likely look and feel different than today. What will not change is the presence of Lutheran higher education in Michigan and the commitment to educational excellence and individual student growth and development on which 安娜堡康考迪亚大学 was founded.


是的. All program changes are being made in accordance with accreditation requirements. We will continue to monitor accreditation requirements to ensure we meet such standards.


官方和非官方的成绩单; 可在线申请. 学生 with a remaining balance on their account must rectify the amount owed before requesting their transcripts.

How will you communicate more information regarding changes to the CUAA campus?

当新的信息与整个社区相关时, 战略通信办公室将发送“所有cuaa”电子邮件, 这些信息将被存储在 wyrj.indicatihal.net/future. Any information that specifically impacts your program or your pathway toward degree completion will be communicated via email to you from the proper faculty member and/or academic advisor.