You’ve chosen 安娜堡康考迪亚大学 for many reasons: you want an excellent education, one that offers a Christian foundation rooted in Lutheran doctrine. You love the beautiful campus and the ability to get involved in extracurricular activities. You’re excited to make your mark during this new chapter of your life!

The CUAA 居住生活 staff is here to help you make a smooth transition onto campus so you can enjoy all those things. We’ve put together a residence life checklist of need-to-know information and handy tips to help you get right into the swing of things.



  1. Follow the signs to the correct side of campus to fill out paperwork and receive instructions on what to do next.
  2. 拿起十大正规赌博平台大全排行学生证.
  3. Bring your student ID and check-in with the RA staff inside your residence hall on the main floor. Pick up your key, Room Condition Inventory, and other materials.
  4. 阅读十大正规赌博平台大全排行RCI(房间状况清单). This states that the condition of the items in your room at the time you move in. Inspect your room to see if there are any discrepancies between the RCI and the actual condition of the room. 如果有的话, note them on the RCI to ensure that you will not be financially accountable to pre-existing damages upon check-out.
  5. 把车停在离大厅最近的草地上. 校园安全 and Student Leaders will be there to guide you.
  6. Once you have unloaded your car, move it to free up spaces closer to the building for other students.
  7. 最后一步! 把十大正规赌博平台大全排行东西搬到十大正规赌博平台大全排行房间来完成入住, 安顿下来, 在CUAA庆祝十大正规赌博平台大全排行新年!


8月1日 上午九时至中午 男子足球 & 排球
8月5日 上午九时至下午一时 足球 & 越野
8月14日 上午九时至中午 跳舞 & 啦啦队,女子足球,男子曲棍球
8月19日 上午十时至中午 乐队 & 唱诗班
8月22日 上午九时至中午 一年级学生入住
8月23日 上午九时至中午 二年级,三年级,四年级搬进来
8月24日 中午至下午二时 最后一次呼叫,入住

问题? Contact the Associate Vice President of Student Success, 艾琳 Laverick ( 艾琳


  • 包装中等大小的盒子,不要太重. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行背会感谢十大正规赌博平台大全排行.
  • Bring a cart or dolly to stack boxes and make each trip more productive.
  • Recruit strong helpers to assist you in unloading your car and getting your belongings to your room quickly.
  • 带上十大正规赌博平台大全排行耐心! Our staff will be at every building trying to move things along as quickly as possible, 但有时这是一个缓慢的过程. 查看天气预报并作出相应计划. Bring umbrellas and plastic coverings for your things just in case the weather doesn’t cooperate.

RAs -我们在这里等你!

Knowing where to go and who to talk to can make all the difference. One important group of people who will play a vital role while you are living on campus are the Resident Assistants.

  • 十大正规赌博平台大全排行住宿助理会支持你. 你会在搬进去的那天见到十大正规赌博平台大全排行宿舍管理员, and he or she will be there throughout the academic year to help with any concerns you have about adjusting to college life.
  • 你也会得到学生领导的帮助. On move-in day, they join forces, wear matching shirts and look for opportunities to help you. They will direct you to the right locations and help you carry boxes.


If you have been assigned roommates, their name(s) should be listed in the 电子邮件 from 居住生活.

New students are assigned housing according to the date we receive their completed Housing Agreement and $300 deposit. Roommates are assigned based on self-reported preferences entered on the Roommate Match in the Housing Application. While 居住生活 makes every attempt to place requested roommates together, 由于对住房的高需求, 我们不保证室友的要求.

Living with a roommate can enhance your college experience. We encourage you to contact your new roommate(s) once you receive their information. 决定谁来带电视、零食和其他东西. Talk about how you will decorate your room or loft/bunk your beds to create more floor space.

If you did not receive your first choice in hall or roommate, 你一到学校就可以申请换房间. These changes will be considered after the first two weeks of the Fall Semester and on a space-available basis. 请每年换一次.)

对和室友的第一次谈话感到紧张? 试着放松,保持开放的心态. Expect that there will be differences between you as people. The most important goal of the conversation should be to establish good communication with each other so that you have a base to build on when move-in day arrives. 如果你们不能马上合得来,也不要放弃. Working on building a relationship can be exceptionally rewarding. 记住,我们的宿舍生活工作人员是来帮忙的!


Computers play a large part in college life and CUAA has you covered! is our web portal that provides single sign in web services. All registered students have access to course information, 图书馆, 校园生活, 收费, 电子邮件, 随时都可以, 在任何地方.

每个学生都得到一张卡片.Edu电子邮件帐户. This feature rich account is setup on Microsoft servers and can be linked to a Live account for resources like single sign in to your personal computer, Skydrive和更多.


CUAA is generally a very safe campus, but it never hurts to follow these simple guidelines:

  • 如果十大正规赌博平台大全排行财产没有投保, it is wise to obtain coverage for the time you are living on campus.
  • 每次离开和睡觉的时候都要锁好房间.
  • 不要把十大正规赌博平台大全排行房间钥匙借给别人. 这样做违反了《十大正规赌博平台大全》.
  • 不要把贵重物品放在房间里. Record the serial number and make/model information for valuables you will bring to campus.
  • An engraving tool is available at the 校园安全 Office for you to use to mark your valuables.
  • 把贵重物品存放在看不见的地方.
  • 锁好自行车,到校园安全处登记.


国际学生: 如果你是国际学生, 秋季运动员或参加校园音乐团体, you’ll receive additional correspondence concerning your early check-in.

取消: If plans change and you will not be attending for Fall Term or you change your mind about living on campus, 你必须通知 这两个 居住生活 and 招生, separately and in writing (电子邮件, fax or letter is great). The Residence Hall Agreement is valid for the entire academic year. In most cases, canceling your Agreement will result in financial penalty .


We’re here to help make your stay on campus as great as possible. 请到我们的办公室,或给我们发电子邮件: